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This page will give you a transparent peek into my war plans for no purpose other than to help hold me more accountable. I also just like to keep my inner circle informed on what I’m up to as I always have many irons in the fire.

Through these reports, I will reveal to you some (not all) of the major goals and objectives I am pushing toward in both my personal life and my business endeavors.

War Planning is what I call my planning system and the process behind it. I do it every day in some capacity but the reports I will share here with you will always be quarterly-based updates.

In each of these reports, I will provide a recap of the previous quarter’s results and a projection of the foreseeable future.


It’s been a productive quarter, but as always, I struggle to feel productive enough. It’s a curse and a blessing. We press on, though, as I always have a plethora of goals to accomplish. Up until the last few days, things have been business as usual on all fronts. However, hurricane Helene had some plans to disrupt us in major ways. I never expected our region to see such conditions being tucked back into the mountains this far from the coast. Was it natural? That’s what we’d all like to believe. However, the prepper and survivalist in me can see it for what it truly is and feels like… War games by the global elites. They’ve been cloud seeding and manipulating weather for years. It’s not a theory… It’s a fact. If you think they wouldn’t take it this far, you’re just a silly goose. Maybe it’s another country gearing up for an invasion. Maybe they needed this area of the nation to be crippled to affect the election turnout. Not only the weather… but on top of this, we have a massive chemical fire in Georgia and a work strike going down at all the major ports. It’s one thing for these events to happen, it’s another thing for them to align all at the same time before the biggest election in history. Idk… These are just some tin-foil thoughts for you to consider. If you wanna get more prepared for everything in life, join us in the Tribe.

Let’s dive into the highs and lows of the past few months.


  • Back in July and August, we hit the lake several times and enjoyed some nice family time on the houseboat.

  • Did much better at marketing my music. Made some good content. I need to get a lot more out though.

  • Got a date night in with Rowan. We hit the Lego store, ate dinner at Miso Teriyaki, went crawdad hunting, and worked on music together. (Summertime)

  • We finally got all of our mountain bikes for everyone in the fam. Including finding a replacement for mine since the bike crash last Q. We hit the bike park pump track and tested out some trails. We also hit a 9 mile trail ride together as a family which was challenging but fun.

  • Produced and wrote a handful of fire music that I can’t wait to get out in the future. We also dropped Summertime, which features me, Speachu (Rowan), and my niece Nylah (Lil Pretzel).

  • Completed 4/5 days on a carnivore diet challenge. (Attempting this monthly now)

  • Tank lost a couple of teeth! We shot them out with a Nerf gun lol.

  • Did some fun agility training with the kids at the park.

  • The kids earned more stripes on their BJJ belts and I got closer to my purple belt promotion.

  • Threw loads of football with the kids. Tank is enjoying it, and it’s just a great way to bond.

  • Made solid progress on Operation: Optimize 2.0 — Completed a handful of curriculum updates but still have a lot to go.

  • Took just shy of a month-long smoke break to reset. This can be a challenge but this time it wasn’t too bad.

  • We kicked off our live music review stream. Still dialing it in but we are at least getting the launch started.

  • Also got in a much-needed date night with Cora, and me and Tank were able to squeeze a couple in as well which pushed me across the finish line for one of my family goals of completing 12 1:1 date nights. Now we keep going and set a bigger goal.


  • Multiple family members have been in and out of the hospital lately. Watching those you love grow old and fall apart isn’t a fun aspect of this life experience. We’re just doing the best we can to be here and helpful to everyone we can.

  • Possibly gave myself brain damage diving into the hotel pool and busting my head while on a little trip to Pigeon Forge. I gotta a pretty hard head, though lol.

  • There were periods when I was spread too thin on time to effectively work on the business. The little time I did get went to redundant admin things instead of the creative work I needed to be doing.

  • Didn’t get to see several family members as frequently as I prefer.

  • Got sick for nearly 2 weeks with upper respiratory crud.

  • Procrastinated some important things. My projects are massive and sometimes they overwhelm the shit out of me. I’m a beast but just keeping it real. I’m not perfect and suffer from the same things everyone else does.

  • Nutrition wasn’t as good as I intended it to be. I need to get back to stricter tracking of my intake. It’s easy to let yourself wing this aspect of fitness when you’ve been doing it for a long time. My best results have always happened when I was relentlessly tracking my intake and expenditure. We should never stop this unless we are at the goal, is what I am learning. Still, I experienced strength gains and fat loss, but not much movement on the scale. Clothes continue fitting better and I continue to feel better so I measure by that more than I do the scales. Progress, not perfection.

  • Fell slightly short on one of the 5-day carnivore challenges and also missed one of the ruck challenges. I will do better.

  • Hurricane Helene and all these recent events have royally fucked up a lot of shit for us and are going to make the next few months extremely tough. I am doing my best to be the optimistic light for the whole family during these difficult and dark times.



  • BJJ Purple Belt – It’s a possibility that I will achieve it pretty soon, but unfortunately, missing a couple of previous test days, and now the hurricane disruptions are making it harder to get to class at the moment. I’m confident that I will earn it this quarter, though.

  • Health & Fitness – My goal over the next 3 months is to get down to 200lbs. I continue to make great strides in strength and body recomposition but my weight has stalled out a bit due to my slack in nutritional focus so I am still sitting around 220lbs. Moving forward I will be reinforcing my fasting habits, doing more rucking, and dialing the macros in it a bit better.

  • House – This quarter, we’re aiming to finish the 2nd half of our privacy fence, which still needs rebuilding, and potentially getting started on the covered outdoor workout pad or cold plunge.


  • Drop 20 Singles – Still making great progress on this goal. So far, we’re sitting at 16/20. I hope to drop at least 3 more songs before the end of the year. Once we complete this goal we will circle back around to begin creating boatloads of marketing material for the existing catalog so we can start promoting shit better.

  • Fully Launch our Live Music Review Stream – We kicked off our first test stream the other day. We’re still tweaking the setup and working on live stream access for some platforms. The way we are doing this is going to be absolute fire, though. We’re talking awesome canvas with animations, a real-time board queue, a multi-output stream, etc… It’s going to be the dopest live music review and creation stream ever. We’ll be reviewing music, showing the production and writing process, live performances, and more. The core of it will be the review service, though, as we are approaching this from a revenue generation perspective. All about adding new streams of income.


  • Grow The Tribe – Operation: Traffic Jam is still in action. We accomplished some basic campaign planning this past quarter but did not get to launch them. I still have a bit more planning to do to ensure an optimal campaign. No half-assing anything around here. My goal for this quarter is to complete this project and get our ads live before major holidays arrive.

  • Operation: Optimize 2.0 – Made great progress on this last Q. However, there’s still a ton of new curriculum I need to create. I decided to do this in phases. The current priority is to finish Module 2, which is the update for our Warrior Operating System. Once complete, I will probably shelve most of this project to prioritize some other things. These recent crisis events have forced me to shift things around quite a bit. My main goal here is to simply get the Warrior OS 2.0 template in every student’s hands and also split it out into a standalone product offering. The rest of the updates can and will unfortunately, have to wait a bit.

  • The Primal Method – Still gotta design new mockups for marketing and SEO graphics, as well as a create nice video or two for advertising purposes. Wasn’t able to get to this last Q.

Join Primal's Wolfgang. It's Free!

Why? Well, it’s a movement I am building for artists, entrepreneurs, music producers, and anyone interested in self-development. In the gang, I frequently share exclusive BTS content, education, tools to help you become a better creator, and so much more. It’s also a community for fans of my music. So, if you dig the tunes and content I create, I’d love to serve you even more on the inside. It’s free, always will be, and aligning with me only results in one thing… Growth. Massive growth in all aspects of life.


Are you finding value in my content? I certainly hope so. I put a crazy amount of effort and time into the things I create. If you did find value in this post, my only request is that you share it with your friends, fans, and family.